Reach out! We know that talking about eating disorders and body image issues is the first important step. The next step is up to you, but you are not alone! Whether you need help or want to help, here’s a list of resources to get you started.
Eating Disorders
These organizations can provide information, referrals and support.
National Eating Disorders Association
Toll free hotline: 1-800-931-2237
Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center
Something Fishy Website on Eating Disorders
Gurze Books: Specializing in Eating Disorders Books and Education
Media Literacy and Activism
Don’t like what you see in the media? Get the tools and inspiration to make some changes!
Media Watch
Mind on the Media
Any Body
For Kids, Tweens and Teens
Young people have the power to transform the future. Education, prevention, and advocacy aren’t just for adults!

Girls Inc.
PBS Kids: It’s My Life
PBS Kids: Don’t Buy It!
Kids Health
Smart Girl
Respect Rx
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